The fully automated supermarket. A red-hot topic, which of course also applies to ANKER is the focus. The WDR has taken up the topic in a report in the "Lokalzeit OWL". The focus of the reporting was primarily on our ANKER Self-service terminals that will be the main component of a supermarket of the future.
At the heart of such a digitized store are several challenges. This includes solving the increasing shortage of staff, because a digitized store allows staff to be deployed in a more targeted manner. This makes the processes efficient and increases flexibility. For example, shops can be open continuously with fewer staff .
Furthermore, customers can be provided with a new shopping experience , in which the time savings (as a result of no checkout processes) in particular are only one advantage.
In summary, the technical possibilities such as artificial intelligence, mass data processing and high-precision sensor technology are to be used in the interests of business operators and customers.
Together with other companies, our product development department is working intensively on the appropriate technology for the fully automated supermarket. With the help of intelligent sensors and cameras, customers are assigned an ID that records all items that are packed into the shopping basket. The products are automatically transferred to the POS system of the self-service terminal, so that the customer only has to pay and there is no need to scan the individual products. Whether by card or cash, both are possible thanks to a connected cash recycler.
The WDR shoot was an interesting experience for all participants, many thanks to the WDR team for the great contribution!
The entire article of the Lokalzeit OWL can be found here: